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Barbara Eager, President


Jackie Hinsey, Vice President


Brandi Smith, 2nd Vice President


Nieka Pearson, Recording Secretary


Michelle Mourey, Financial Secretary


Kierstin Bueter, Treasurer


Joyce McCarty, Chaplain


Blue to Gold Michelle Prince


Events - Gina Connelly


Golf Outing Chair - Sharon Eichman


Webmaster - Amy Carsten-


Past President Gina Connelly


  • We have monthly meetings.

  • We send care packages to deployed troops at holidays (Valentine’s Day, Easter, 4th of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas).

  • We march in parades.

  • We attend funerals of fallen heroes.

  • We participate in community activities

  • We have an Annual Golf Outing (in September) which is our largest fundraiser.

  • We Support Honor Flight with American Flag Pins for all Veteran.

  • We also support local Veteran Shelters such as Liberty Landing, Shepherd’s House, and The  Richard Lugar Safe Haven.

  • And most importantly we provide friendship and support to other Blue Star Mothers.


Prior to December 2011, membership in the Blue Star Mothers was open to any woman in America whose child is in the United States Armed Forces or who has served in the United States Armed Forces or had an honorable discharge. Stepmothers and adoptive mothers are also now eligible for membership. Blue Star Dads and others who wish to serve BSMA, Inc. may join as Associate Members. Associate members do not vote or pay dues.


At National Convention in 2010, under the leadership of then National President Wendy Hoffman, a resolution was passed by the convention body changing eligibility for membership. The resolution was taken to Capitol Hill and in August 2011 a bill was introduced to Congress, followed soon after by a matching bill in the senate. Both Bills passed and on December 13, 2012, President Obama signed the Act and the eligibility for membership was expanded to include Grandmothers, Foster Mothers, all Step Mothers and female legal guardians. Membership is also now open to American citizens living in other countries.



Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. (BSMA), is a private nonprofit organization in the United States that provides support for mothers who have sons or daughters in active service in the U.S. Armed Forces.  The name came from the custom of families of servicemen hanging a banner called a Service Flag in a window of their homes. The Service Flag had a star for each family member in the military. Living servicemen were represented by a Blue Star and those who had lost their lives were represented by a Gold Star.


On January 22nd, 1942 the Flint New Advisor printed a coupon asking Mothers of serviceman to return the coupon after filing it out.  The following February 1st 300 mother met in the Durant Hotel, in Flint Michigan.  Captain George H. Maines, who had conceived the idea for this group, acted as the chair of this first meeting.  It was decided that after receiving 1000 responses from the ad to for a permanent organization. 


On February 6th the organization was reported on Congressional record.  Chapters then formed in Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, New York, Pennsylvania, Oregon, California, Iowa and Washington.  In June of 1960 the national organizations was chartered by congress.  In August of 2008 the first chapter in Fort Wayne, Indiana was chartered.


The Fort Wayne Area Blue Star Mothers chapter is always looking for new members.  If you are or know a mother who could use the support of other military moms, please attend a meeting or share our information with her.

For information about becoming a member you can also fill out and submit the form at the bottom of this page and someone will get back with you. You can also visit the National Blue Star Mothers Site by clicking HERE.

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